Last night our men's Discipleship Challenge Group concluded their look at the doctrine of election with a question and answer time. During that discussion (led very well by Pastor Brandon Wright) the question of dying infants was raised. The question specifically related to how the doctrines of election and salvation by grace through faith alone bear on the eternal fate of infants who die.
This question is a great one. Consider the clearly revealed teachings of the New Testament:
1) We are born marked by the stain of original sin (the imputation of Adam's sin).
2) The wages of sin are death and eternal separation from God in Hell, a fate that awaits all who do not receive the benefits of Christ's substitutionary atonement on the cross.
3) Those benefits are received by grace through faith.
In light of the these truths, what happens to an infant who dies? Many wonder how an infant, who by definition cannot have saving faith, could possibly go to heaven? The same question could also be applied to those who are mentally challenged, who never reach the point where they can discern right from wrong or comprehend the gospel.
CrossRoad Church believes that all dying infants go to heaven, but we cannot reach that conclusion because we cannot bear the thought of an infant going to hell. We must consult the Scriptures to see whether or not this is taught. Several years ago, R. Albert Mohler and Daniel Akin co-authored what is the most accurate and succinct article I have ever read on this topic. In the article they deal with the tough question and do an excellent job bringing the Scriptures to bear on those questions. I have included a link below. I invite you to read the article and then return with your questions and comments.
Enjoy your reading: The Salvation of the 'Little Ones': Do Infants who Die Go to Heaven?